Ben Strauss
Na ture Pho tog ra pher
/ˈnāCHər ,fəˈtäɡrəfər/
1. An individual who spends an excessive amount of time outdoors with the goal of standing in front of interesting things.

I began my journey into the creative and expressive world of photography nearly five years ago. Already being an outdoor enthusiast (backpacker and mountain biker), I was immediately hooked on landscape/nature photography. Previously, I remember having a somewhat negative perception about landscape photographers, in that they spend too much time behind their lens and miss out on whats happening in front of them. From my personal experience in the last five years this couldn't be further from the truth, and at a risk of sounding cliche, nature photography has changed my perspective of the world around me. I feel like I've acquired a higher level of attention to detail in my surroundings, and there is something so thrilling about hunting for that perfect composition. I've also found it really slows you down, and for me is a bit of a grounding mechanism. Before photography, I don't ever remember spending over an hour observing how the continually changing sunlight alters the dynamics of one single landscape. There is so much unexpected detail to be found in beautiful places, and so much beauty to be found in unexpected places. So in the end, my initial perception of photographers was completely backwards. I hope my passion and discoveries bring you as much joy as it does me!
All credit has to go to my mother for not only the inspiration to get into photography, but for passing on her previous Canon Rebel to me; believe it or not, I'm still shooting with this bad boy! Ever since I can remember, she always had a camera close by to document all of our travels and adventures. I was definitely that son who said the something like "mom, ughhh, not another picture!" at least a thousand times while growing up. Now looking back, I am so grateful for her having taken all of these photographic memories. Today, we enjoy going on our yearly photography trips to amazing places around the beautiful Western United States, and sharing our common love for nature.

Life Outside of photography
I grew up in Loveland Colorado, and am currently working full time as an Aerospace Engineer at Honeybee Robotics. I have a Masters of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado State University, and a Jazz performance degree from the same school, crazy I know! In addition to my work building spacecraft mechanisms, I enjoy spending time with my loving wife Abby and our fur child Kona. In order to get our nature fix on a weekly basis, we have become weekend warriors. Our favorite places we frequent would have to be Rocky Mountain National Park, Indian Peaks Wilderness, Never Summer Wilderness, and Snowy Mountain Range. I can't wait for the many adventures that lay ahead!